Antonio Pacelli - the home of Irish Dance

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Feis Dad -WTF! (What The Feis)

A dad's view of feis life!

  • 11 November 2016
The Top 10 Responsibilities of Being an Irish Dance Parent

Ten!? Up until I really started thinking about it, I thought there were only two, ‘drive and pay’..

  • 08 February 2016
‘Last place’ is not a bad thing

I recently created the meme above, and here is the story behind it.

  • 03 October 2015
An Open Letter To Irish Dancers

A recent situation between my dancer and I made me realize a few things, and I am probably not the only one that feels this way, so I wanted to share.

  • 14 August 2015
If Dr. Seuss was a Feis Dad

If your dancer is like mine, they will dance anywhere. I warn mine all the time to be safe, and if I was Dr. Seuss, it might go something like this...

  • 15 June 2015
Is my dancer really learning life lessons from Irish dance?

Still trying to figure out if TGC is learning life lessons, or if I am learning them by watching her...

  • 13 May 2015
Is the grass really greener on the other side?

A brief overview of some of the differences between Grades and Champs one might see at a feis.

  • 15 April 2015
Where The Feis?

Where the feis have I been hiding....

  • 05 March 2015
The 7 Stages of Purchasing Your First Solo Dress

Typically, 'The 7 Stages' are associated with something completely different, but do they remind you of anything else?

  • 04 February 2015
Attending your first feis for the ‘traditional’ sports parents.

If your child is venturing into Irish Dance after years in other sports, there are some things you should know.

  • 21 December 2014
12 Days of Feising

And on the 12th day of feising, my parents gave to me...

  • 05 December 2014
Oireachtas Lessons Learned

If you have never been to an Oireachtas before, here are some things you might want to know...

  • 25 October 2014
The Secret to a Nice Hard Shoe Shine

If there is one thing I learned in the military, it is how to shine shoes...

  • 25 September 2014
A (Very) Basic Intro To Irish Dances

So you are a new Irish dance parent, you will have to explain this to somebody...

  • 24 August 2014
An Introduction to Irish Dance Terms

A quick intro for parents to the 'uncommon' terms heard in Irish Dance

  • 30 July 2014
Haiku… You’re Welcome!

a small selection of haikus about Irish Dance

  • 14 June 2014
A Tribute To Irish Dance Dads

A small tribute to the dads in Irish Dance, on Father's Day and all year long.

  • 19 May 2014
FE • IS • P • E • C • T

All I'm askin' for...

  • 18 April 2014
A Parents Guide to Understanding Feis Judging

I don’t understand feis judging, at least not completely, so maybe the title is not quite right.

  • 19 March 2014
What’s it like being a Feis Dad?

Just a dad in an Irish dance world,

  • 16 February 2014
Don’t forget your manners…

A mini-rant on manners gave me the idea for this post. Enjoy!

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'Attentive managers, respond promptly to all questions, they don't confuse the items in the order'

Anna - Russia
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