Antonio Pacelli - the home of Irish Dance

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  • Ally Gavigan:
  • 27 November 2013

What to bring to a Feis

A useful checklist of things you need for a feis.

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There is a lot to remember the day before a feis, especially if you have only been to one or two. So we have put together a useful checklist of things to remember.

Feel free to print it out and use it as a reminder.


Hard shoes

Soft shoes

Shoe buckles if you wear them

Poodle socks

Sock glue

Irish dance dress

Dress knickers


Brooches if you wear them

Wig and any required hairspray, hairbands, clips,etc..

Competition number holder and pin

Shoe elastics if you use them.

Duct tape if you use it ( & something to cut it with!)

Make Up

Hair brush

Something to wear between competitions

Some comfy footwear for between competitions (e.g. your favourite slippers or flip flops!)

Particular to the event


Any paperwork you need to bring with you such as entry documents/passes

Useful Extras

Fully charged camera

Newspaper/book/puzzles for waits between competitions

Your feis book for results if you use one

Safety pins (always handy!)

Plasters & small first aid kit

High energy drink


But most of all bring a good attitude to the feis. You have worked hard on your dancing and now it's time to enjoy and share your passion for Irish dancing with others!

What have we left out? What extra things do you bring to your feisanna? Please leave a comment in the box below and share your experience with newer dancers!

(image courtesy of

We're very happy with our shoes and the speed at which we received both the shoes (4 pairs) and a credit note for the shoes (2 pairs) we returned - less than 24 hours from posting to you is most impressive!

Mary & Chris Carter
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