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  • Feis Dad:
  • 25 October 2014

The Secret to a Nice Hard Shoe Shine

If there is one thing I learned in the military, it is how to shine shoes...

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If there is one thing I learned in the military, it is how to shine shoes, and if you follow me on Facebook or my blog, you may have seen the proof. After a number of requests for shoe shine help, I decided I would write down what I do to get TGCs shoes so shiny.

Typically I write my posts here, and then share them on my dance blog, but this time I did it the other way around, so hope you don't mind the addtional click. Please visit The Shoe Shine Post to see my secrets to a great shine, plus a little photograpic proof.  As mentioned in the post, if we are at the same venue, would be glad to share tips in person.

'The overall service is great!'

Tanya - Australia
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